Welcome to the neoNuma Arts blog!
Sometimes known as the Neil Ellis Orts blog!
Actually, this blog is really more geared to the neoNuma part of me, that is the corporate part of me, the wannabe capitalist me. Over the next few weeks, I'll be hyping my first publishing venture (or my first REAL publishing venture--this will be explained as we go), an anthology of short stories called
Able to... This anthology is a collection of short stories wherein one character exhibits some extraordinary ability. I'm still playing with the tagline. "Super-powers, no super-heroes" has been one, except I get worried about DC Comics and Marvel squelching that one since they hold the tradmark on the term "super-hero." (I'm not making this up. They did this years ago. Every comic book company that has tried to do super-heroes since they trademarked the term has had to use terms like "action heroes" or something equally less descriptive.) So I'm thinking of something like "Ordinary people, extraordinary abilities."
Well, I'm not here to brainstorm in front of all of you--although that appears to be what I'm doing. But I do want you to know that this is a collection of stories about people who can do something extraordinary but are not exactly action or adventure stories. There's no costumes, no crimefighting, sometimes very little acknowledgment from the characters that they have these abilities.
And these are not your average X-Men abilities. No one pops into flame (although I invited just such a story in my initial call for stories that I posted all over Craigslist), and no one flies. There is a little boy who slips into the quantum field and alters reality. And there is the woman who catches ripples in time and replays them so things have a chance at going better. There's the girl who, when she offers compliments, speaks flowers. There's the man who dies and comes back to life again and again--not reincarnated, but resuscitated--and how this affects his relationship to his mother. And his bartender, but mostly his mother. There's even the frog who is an accountant for a florist--not your normal super-power, but for a frog, it's pretty extraordinary.
And there's more, of course. Thirteen stories in all. Nine authors. I'm very excited about it all.
But that's probably enough for now. By way of introduction, I'll just add that I'm a native Texan, a writer and performer, soon to be publisher . . . and that in this blog you'll find out that I like a wide (but particular) range of artistic endeavors. When I'm not hyping my own schtuff, I'll likely be telling you what I'm reading, seeing, listening to--or even daring to tell you what you should reading, seeing, listening to.
But not in that pushy, obnoxious way. Usually. Okay sometimes. But I hope you'll tell me what I should be reading, seeing, and listening to, as well. That's what the reply button is for.
Rambling . . . That's me.
Look me up on bn.com or amazon.com. There's a couple things there, too, that maybe will help introduce me. Maybe not.
Come back in a day or two. That's probably the best way to get to know me.