It's four days after the Houston Writers Festival and I still feel like I'm recovering.
First, it was a big success. We had 19 authors represented and everyone sold something---and that's a success in itself, If you've ever done a book signing, you know what I mean. But the traffic and the sales all added up to a success for the management at the Barnes & Noble where it was held. That means there's a good chance that other events to promote local authors are forthcoming.
Let's hear it for local authors, huh?
There was also some networking and a bit of a party atmosphere for some authors. There were several mystery writers present and while most knew each other, I think some were meeting for the first time. This is important to me, as well, as I very much believe in the power of networking and creating these sorts of communities. If anyone experienced the day as a true festival, I'd have to say it was the mystery writers (along with the one science fiction and one romance writer who were seated in the same vicinity).
It's hard for this German Lutheran farmboy to say things like this, but . . . I'm really pleased with how the whole day went. The things to complain about were minor and greatly overshadowed by the good the day brought. I met some wonderful writers and hope to keep them in my circle for future events.
Of course, I'm the sort that can only rest in the afterglow for a few days, if not a few hours. Next week, for example, is the Fieldwork Showcase at Barnevelder. I'm the facilitator and there's much left to be done with this event. With the holiday in between, it may as well be tomorrow, which is a little stress inducing. But it'll be fine, it always is. There'll just be some late nights between now and then.
And after that event, I'm laying low a bit for December. Working retail in December is enough of a project, don't you think? Of course, I'll have my writing and publishing projects to keep me busy at home. I've got a good start on laying out the next book from neoNuma Arts, Jill Alexander Essbaum's
Necropolis. I also hope to make some headway on this theological memoir I'm working on (which got a bit derailed in the prep for the writers festival). I'll be reading the first chapter of this memoir at the Fieldwork Showcase, but I had hoped to have all chapters in a first draft by now. I don't. *heavy sigh* Well, like I say, I'm not doing any extra-curricular for December (other than the church choir) and so I'm hoping it will be a productive month, despite the holiday hubbub.
Speaking of holiday hubbub, I'm required to say things like "remember neoNuma Arts for your holiday gift giving." Really, for the friend on your list who likes the TV show Heroes,
Able to... (edited by yours truly, Neil Ellis Orts) might be a welcome and unique gift. For your theater friend who reads plays,
The Fatal Gift of Beauty and Other Plays by Christopher E. Ellis is a collection that likely will be new to them---none of that, "but I already have that" business. Both are available via your local bookstores or order online at your favorite site-- or or any number of other sites. They're easily found if you type in the title and author name.
More soon. Just finished reading a book I'm anxious to talk about. Just not today.