Necropolis. You Know You Want It.

Necropolis has now gone live on I really need to learn how to work this internet thing so I can do the link thing without giving the full URL, but until I actually enter the 21st Century, here's the link in all it's wrapping glory:
This is a good book. Really. You'll read it over and over. You'll reference it in conversations. You'll find it sneaking into your consciousness when you least expect it. It's that kind of book. And you need it. Your neighbor needs it, too, so you may as well buy 2.
Okay, perhaps I overstate things. Well, no I don't. But you get the point. I hope you will check it out.
I should note the cover illustration is by Misha Penton, created from photos taken by Dave Nickerson. Isn't it lovely? It'll look better if you hold a copy of the book in your hand. It's true.
Okay, on to other places to push this book. Hopefully, more soon. (Or at least sooner than a month and half.)
Labels: Dave Nickerson, Jill Alexander Essbaum, Misha Penton, Necropolis
i know i said i'd send money for this book and never did, but i will, i really will!
When you are entering a post, highlight whatever word you wish to make active as link. For example, edit this post and highlight the word "link" with your mouse. Now look at all the little icons right above the post. There is one that looks like a little bicycle chain. Once you click on that, it will pop up a box with an http://. Remove that or paste over that the entire link. I say to remove the http:// before you paste because the http:// is already in the link you are copying over.
If you get around to it, and you are not too busy, I would like for you to consider sending in a review copy to Oranges & Sardines reviewer Jeremy Hughes. His address is up at
Thank you,
Didi Menendez
Thanks to both. Becky, I got your order in the mail today. I also got my box o' Necropolis today. So expect a book in the mail sooner than later.
Didi, thanks for the link tutorial and I will send a book across the ocean any day now.
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